Never mind education, I’m blogging about food from now on…

I mean really, SEVENTEEN comments about what you eat for breakfast?  When a thought-provoking story about, I dunno, my classroom barely gets two?  I’ve been barking up the wrong tree with this teacher-blogging thing, it’s all food from here on out! The Omnivore’s Dilemma, indeed.

For two days now, I’ve packed and eaten The World’s Healthiest Breakfast.  I know it deserves this title, because no one can watch me eat it and not comment: Wow, that’s really healthy!

I basically used one of those plastic boxes that mixed organic pre-washed greens come in, put in a smaller container of Greek yoghurt with acacia honey (when you’re packing The World’s Healthiest Breakfast, you can’t skimp on your honey… though the next jar will definitely be something local), peeled chopped up half a cuke and one tomato, added a hardboiled egg salted and peppered, put the lid on, and took the whole thing to school.  So far, so good.

My vision included a few slices of fresh bread, but I woke up Tuesday morning to find my baguette more weapon-like than edible, so I sprinkled a little of my remaining stash of cereal on the yoghurt.  And breakfast was amazing.  After I ate it, I just felt satisfied.  Healthy, energetic, full.  That night, I went in search of better bread, and picked up an Italian loaf at a nearby gourmet supermarket.  This morning, the loaf was still good, and I added a couple of slices, along with some olives, to the mix.  All would have been well except that it all mixed around in transit and I didn’t get to eat until third period, by which point the bread (and everything else) was thoroughly yoghurt-soaked.  Still tasty, just uniformly sweet and yoghurt-flavored.  Note: Put a lid on the yoghurt’s container.

The interesting thing is that this meal takes longer to make – expected – but also makes me slow down eating it.  There’s no inhaling when you have such a varied, tasty breakfast.  Which is actually a problem, or at least suggests a need for a restructuring of my morning routine (unlikely), because today I never found the 20 consecutive minutes I needed to enjoy the meal until third period, by which point I was hungry enough to consume school supplies.  Fiber, indeed.

So, next comment-provoking question: Do you own a bread machine?  Which one?  How much was it?  Are you happy with it?  They’ve always struck me as weird specialty appliances, a huge luxury in a small NYC apartment, especially since I’m actually pretty good at making bread the old-fashioned way (not that I ever do).  But if I made all my bread myself, I’d know exactly what was in it, and – better! – I’d have fresh bread every morning! So, bread machine reviews, please!


Filed under confession, food, randomness

15 responses to “Never mind education, I’m blogging about food from now on…

  1. I have a Breadman Bread Machine.

    I use it quite a bit. To make bread, pizza crusts, dough for artisan breads, fruit breads, dough for rolls.

  2. 15 more years

    No bread machine here- why when Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s has such a great variety of good, fresh breads?

    (Had to stick my two cents in- I still don’t feel like grading those lab reports, lol).

  3. I enjoy the kneading, so I don’t have one. But King Arthur Flour recommends Zojirushi, and I’ve always had good results with their stuff.

    FWIW, I always enjoy your classroom posts. I just never commented because I never felt like I had anything useful to add. 🙂

  4. You want one with a delay timer and has many setting as possible. Get a bigger size than you think you will need.

    Be sure to use a good quality of flours.

  5. No bread-machine recommendation from me, but a recommendation that you take a look at “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day” out of St. Martin’s Press. I saw the basic recipe in the NY Times when we were vacationing over last Thanksgiving break, and got intrigued enough to hunt it down on the ‘tubes and try it when we got home.

    Wonderful crusts. Magnificent textures. Actual flavors. Flat-out, awesome bread. I hit the chain bookstore and bought the book. And after the first couple go-arounds, you can actually do it in less than five minutes a day.

    No counter space required – just enough room in the frig for a 5-quart bowl.

    I don’t want to sound like an ad for the book here (I know – too late), but the simplicity has changed our dining for the better. DeeZone is right, of course: use good flour(s). I’d start by tracking down the basic recipe on the ‘net. You have more than enough experience to succeed with that without dropping the 25 bucks for the book.

  6. Funny you should mention the bread machine… I got one as an engagement gift but it’s still in the box because I have no counter space. Anyway, try this Mark Bittman recipe that’s been making the rounds on cooking blogs–no bread machine required!
    Or try this one:

  7. Actually, the some of the best recipes I have found have been in the Better Homes & Gardens cookbook. You know the one with the checkered cover.

    We have a local grocer/produce market/organic food store that sells flours in bulk. So we have experimented with a lot of types of flours.

  8. Nicole

    I haven’t tried a bread machine because I’ve heard such mixed things about them. If you find one you like, tell us!

  9. I love my Breadman Ultimate. I have had it for about 4 yrs now.

  10. I do have a bread machine, but I’m not sure what kind it is. I used it for a while, but you have inspired me to get it out again. The best part is the aroma created by the baking of the bread. Yum!

  11. The Miss

    My friend loves his Breadman so much that when deciding what to pack in his two suitcases for a move to China, he actually left space in one for the machine!

  12. Miss,

    I don’t love my that much. It is awfully big & then there is the weight issue.

  13. yvonne

    i have a bread machine. some japanese model inherited from my aunt. it’s pretty good when i don’t have the time to knead and wait for bread the old fashioned way. just load it up with whole wheat and pronounce-able ingredients (which i’ve always had a hard time mentioning, because i can actually pronounce chemicals well) and you’re on your way. but i’ve always had a problem with crumb texture and crust. for those, nothing beats GOF (good ole fashioned)

    ps. you eat salad for brekkie? i’m not against cucumbers and tomatoes (obviously) but full out leafy things? i’m a carbs girl through and through, i need them in the morning to get me going.

  14. I have a really cheapo bread machine, it jumps around. I keep in in the closet until I need to use it and then set it on the floor, or it would jump off the counter.

    That said, I love it. I only use it for the dough, often I fill it before I go to bed (takes 5 minutes) and set the timer. Then dough is waiting in the morning. I always form loaves or crust and bake in the oven.

    Best for whole wheat–for good French I buy it cause it takes a hotter oven.
    Don’t you just miss Turkish bread??? I’m also into cucumbers, olives and feta for breakfast…

  15. Jenna

    I have a West Bend Home Style maching – it’s older, but makes great bread. Best of all… it was free! I got it via freecycle from someone who “didn’t have enough counter-space” 😉

    I definitely needed a bread machine because it I had a hard time getting the dough to rise because of the incessant cold and damp of living on the coast. Really, I couldn’t make bread from October to May because my house just didn’t get warm enough and putting it in the oven on warm was driving me nuts.

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